57th Annual

Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024
Business Street Application
You will provide your own tent, table, chairs, advertising materials and giveaways. Sell your business items and services. (NO food or beverages)
What is allowed to be sold will be at the discretion of the Highlands Art League Board of Directors.
Each vendor selling business items is responsible for collecting Florida sales tax.
Each space is 10 x 10 @ a cost of $100.
There is no available electric or WiFi.
Sites will be located on or near the Circle.
Set up may begin at 7am Saturday morning of 11/2/24. No stakes may be placed in the roadbed. HAL assumes no responsibility for personal property left overnight or during the show. All vehicles must be out of the show area by 8 am. Booths must remain open during the show hours (10 am to 4 pm).
Vendor pets are not allowed in the show area.
Generators are not allowed in the show area.
Breakdown must not begin before 4 pm on Saturday and must be completed by 5 pm when the City will reopen the streets for traffic.
Availability is limited.
You will be notified of your location.
Upon arrival on 11/2/24 you must register at the HAL Festival Headquarters.