Jean Cormier's April Oil Painting Class
For current and returning students, you will supply your own image or images if you plan to paint two! Before class starts, plan how you will begin the canvas preparations and the sizes (8 x 10 or 16 x 20 canvas panels will be supplied)
For beginner oil painters, instructor-provided images will be used. We will explore the ways to start a painting, transfer an image accurately, find the correct value scales, choose brushes and use oil paint to achieve your desired results. When possible, classes may feature demonstrations by the instructor. Learn how to use additives in oil paint for effects and mix your own colors using a limited palette.
Students Will Need to Bring:
(1) One roll of paper towels
(2) One soft light colored or white rag
(3) Two clean baby food size glass jars with lids (if possible)
(4) Handful of Q-Tips
(5) One piece of stiff cardboard-approximately 9” x 12”
Class size: 6- 8
Duration: 4 weeks meeting at SAC TUESDAYS 6 pm-8pm
Dates: April 1, 8, 15, 22
Price: $110
Jean-Cormier Selfie

"The student works shown below were painted by both beginner students and students who have been in my classes for about 15 months. Some are completed paintings and others are works in progress. These are samples of what our class is doing and what you can learn to paint! I am proud of each and every one of them!"